I have been Poo Free for 2 years. This may sound odd to most of you. “What is she talking about?” I know where your mind is going, and that is NOT what I am talking about. Let me clarify. I am shamPOO free and have been for 2 years. I realize that sounds strange to most of you, but this choice has simplified my life and has given me the opportunity to commit to this journey of detoxifying my body and home.
“So, you haven't washed you in 2 years?”
I wash my hair. I just don’t use mainstream shampoo products to do it. I started this process by washing my hair with baking soda and water, until the natural oils of my scalp found their balance again. Now I use a bar that consists of olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, herbs and essential oils.
“Isn’t your hair greasy all the time?”
Actually, no - it tends to be on the drier side. You see, when you are consistently stripping your scalp and skin of its natural oils the body creates more and more to make up for its lack of them. This is why when you are in the habit of using shampoo and then don’t use it for a couple of days your hair feels very greasy. But it is not because you NEED shampoo for your hair and scalp to be healthy and clean. It is because the body is seeking to regain balance and creates more oil than necessary. If you give your body enough time to figure this out, balance will be restored.
“What about conditioner?”
I ditched my conditioner when I ditched my shampoo. Now I use an apple cider vinegar rinse which is a natural detangler, so brushing my long and wavy hair is never an issue. Apple cider vinegar balances the PH in your hair which gives it everything it needs to feel soft, look shiny and be totally manageable. Sometimes I add a drop of lavender or rosemary essential oil when I want to enrich my experience.
“How does your hair look?”
I’ll be honest. It took about a month for my hair to figure out what the heck was going on. But I think about how long I had been inhibiting its natural process with putting products all over it, and a month doesn’t seem so long to get back to its natural state. During that time it kept swinging from feeling dry and frizzy to feeling extra greasy. When it was feeling dry, I added a little coconut oil to the ends to help with those frizzies. When it was greasy, I wore a scarf as a headband to cover up. And then one magical day, sort of out of the blue, my hair finally felt awesome. It looked healthy, soft and my waves were prettier than they have ever been. I felt like I met my hair in its natural state for the first time.
So there you have it. My experience with the No Poo Method. It has been working great for me and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to take that step in the direction of simplifying the products in your life.