I get a lot of inquiries about what I use to clean my home, so here are some simple recipes that I use regularly. These recipes have been effective at getting the job done while keeping my home toxic free and safe for my family and pets.
Since I am wary of bringing toxic chemicals into my home, I am constantly experimenting with concocting natural alternatives to clean my house. After much tweaking, I came up with a great recipe to clean my floors, counters, shower and toilets.
White Vinegar: 2 TablespoonsCastile Soap: 1 teaspoonWater: 2 cupsLemon Essential Oil: 10 dropsClove Essential Oil: 5 dropsPeppermint Essential Oil: 5 drops
Gently stir ingredients in a bucket and use with a cloth rag or your household mop. If you need more scrubbing power, sprinkle some baking soda on the surface that needs it!
This is a great alternative to the blue liquid often used to clean windows and mirrors in your home and doesn’t leave behind streaks.
White Vinegar: 2 TablespoonsWater: 2 cupsLemon Essential Oil: 5 drops (optional)
Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and shake before using
My carpet gets its fair share of abuse from my toddler boy and two very hairy and playful dogs. Our backyard dirt seems to latch onto our shoes and always finds its way inside our home. I formulated an effective and easy DIY recipe to deodorize your carpet and also make the house smell like a fresh blooming garden in the springtime.
Baking Soda: 1 cupDried Lavender flowers: 2 TablespoonsDried Calendula flowers: 2 TablespoonsDried Rose petals: 1 Tablespoon
I use my Magic Bullet to to grind up all the dried flowers into a powder. Then I add baking soda and gently mix up. Sprinkle on the carpet and leave on for 5-10 minutes before vacuuming.
What are your favorite DIY home recipes?