In this wonderfully advancing technological world, we have more information and connectivity at our fingertips than ever before! Remember the days of looking up answers in the encyclopedia or the dictionary? So much time was spent flipping through pages of volumes and stacks of thick and heavy hard covered books. Tablets of information for learning and finding the answers took up an entire wall in our homes. But now, all we need to know is how to turn on a computer or pick up a phone and find Google. Google knows everything.
It is really amazing how fast we can access information. It is truly a wonder how connected we can be to someone who is on the other side of the world. But I can't help to wonder is all this technological connectivity taking us out of the present moment so often that we are missing out on the life right in front of us?
So how do we truly shut off and reconnect with the present moment?
1. Spend time in nature. Take a walk, go for a hike, go camping, walk barefoot in the grass, stick your feet in a lake.
2. Create a 'no device time' each day. Turn off the computers, put your phones on silent, turn off the TV. Experience life without being tethered to one of your devices and without looking at a screen.
3. Take a bath or a long shower. This is a great time to really connect with yourself. You can finally use those bath salts or body scrub that has been sitting in your bathroom closet.
4. Go on a date with your partner or spouse. Make a rule that you will leave your phones in the car. If you have kids, leave the phone number at the restaurant or venue you plan to be at so you can be in reached in case of emergency.
5. Take deep belly breaths. Your breath is the simplest way to unite your wandering mind and your body to connect to the present moment.
6. Hugs hugs hugs! A good friend once told me that everyday when she comes home from her busy day at work she embraces her husband for 15 seconds to reconnect to the love and support that is in her life. This practice is a beautiful way to reconnect to what is truly important.