Thursday, October 23, 2014


Travel can take a toll on our bodies if we don’t keep up with our natural health practices.  Climate changes and different elevations can mess with the body’s natural rhythms.  We become exposed to a plethora of germs which means our immune system could be working overtime.  Depending on where you are traveling to, you may not have access to all the wonderful natural health remedies that are back in the comfort of your own home.  Below is my list of essential remedies that I take with me anytime I travel.  It is a great start to building your own natural travel kit!

  1. Coconut oil:  It goes with me everywhere.  If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only bring 1 item with me, it would be my coconut oil.  When I travel, I scoop some out of my giant bulk container and put in a 4 oz. travel jar.  It is my hair de-frizzer, skin moisturizer, lip moisturizer, makeup remover.  I also use it as a an antibacterial “boo boo ointment” which is good for cuts, scratches and rashes.  
  2. Natural hand sanitizer spray:  I make my own using antibacterial essential oils, witch hazel and distilled water.  Some of my favorite essential oils for this purpose are: clove, lemon, rosemary, tea tree, lavender, cinnamon, and basil.
  3. Oregano oil:  This stuff will stop a cold right in its tracks.  It is my go-to first line of defense when I feel a cold coming on. You only need a couple of drops diluted in a full glass of water. This oil is very strong and powerful so please don’t give it to your little ones.  
  4. Travel size shampoo bar:  This magical little foaming bar is a versatile travel companion that cleans your body, hands, face and hair. It is made from natural plant oils and does not contain glycerin so it won’t dry out your skin.  My favorite shampoo bar brand is J.R. Liggette’s Old Fashioned Shampoo Bar.
  5. Peppermint essential oil:  A natural headache and sinus remedy, this oil can also help with nausea.  Inhale the aroma if you need a boost of natural energy or mental clarity.  This is also a useful oil to have on hand to help treat digestive issues.  
  6. Eucalyptus essential oil: My husband has terrible allergies which can induce asthma so I always keep this in my travel bag in case he has an attack and does not have access to his conventional medicine.  I also use this oil to clear and cleanse a new space (like our hotel room) by putting 10 drops with distilled or filtered water in a small spray bottle to spray liberally.

Armed with these essential natural remedies I feel prepared to navigate any bumps in the road in my travels.  What’s in your natural travel kit?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

5 Steps to Healthier Armpits

What is all this hoopla about antiperspirants being bad for your health?  Why the push to eliminate them?  The number 1 reason is aluminum.  Aluminum is the active ingredient in antiperspirants and is used to block sweat glands to keep sweat from getting to the skin’s surface.  Aluminum is not only a problem because it clogs pores and inhibits a natural body response but it may also be linked to breast cancer and neurological diseases.  According to a reputable medical journal,   “Al (aluminum) is a recognized neurotoxin, and that it could cause cognitive deficiency and dementia….and may have various effects on CNS (central nervous system)”1  Any product containing aluminum is a dangerous choice for your health. .

Parabens are another reason to ditch the antiperspirants.  According to the Canadian Cancer Society, “research published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology found an ingredient called parabens in 20 human breast tumours.  Parabens are preservatives used in many cosmetic products (including antiperspirant).  The research stated that parabens have been known to act like estrogen, which can speed up the growth of breast cancer tumours.”2
But what about all that sweat?  Sweat is awesome!  Say it with me, “Sweat is awesome!”  It is a natural process of the body and serves a purpose.  Sweating is the body’s way of cooling down, regulating temperature and releasing toxins. It does not have an odor - it is not the culprit of smelly armpits.  The foul body odor you may smell when you sweat is caused by a buildup of bacteria. Did you hear that? It is BACTERIA that causes body odor and NOT the act of sweating.  So shouldn’t we be focusing on eliminating bacteria to treat body odor?

The answer is yes.  But how can we do this?  How can we treat bacteria that causes body odor?  There are several things we can do:

  1. Nourish your body through proper diet.  Eat whole foods and reduce the amount of processed foods you eat.  
  2. Drink water.  Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is an efficient way to ensure your body is eliminating waste regularly.
  3. Cut back on red meat. Studies have shown that eating an abundance of red meat can lead to body odor.  
  4. Put a lemon on it.  Lemon is antibacterial.  If you never want to buy another antiperspirant again, you can use a fresh lemon to treat body odor.
  5. Use natural body products that do not contain aluminum, parabens or synthetics.  Lemon works great but you may want something less acidic for the underarms after using the razor.  Ouch!

Your body is a highly intelligent well oiled machine and every response has a purpose. Support your body.  Don’t block its natural balance.

1 Masahiro Kawahara and Midori Kato-Negishi, “Link Between Aluminum and the Pathogensis of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses”,International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease,  January 2011.

2”Antiperspirants, Parabens and Breast Cancer”, Canadian Cancer Society, ttp://

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to Reconnect

In this wonderfully advancing technological world, we have more information and connectivity at our fingertips than ever before! Remember the days of looking up answers in the encyclopedia or the dictionary?  So much time was spent flipping through pages of volumes and stacks of thick and heavy hard covered books.  Tablets of information for learning and finding the answers took up an entire wall in our homes.  But now, all we need to know is how to turn on a computer or pick up a phone and find Google.  Google knows everything.

It is really amazing how fast we can access information.  It is truly a wonder how connected we can be to someone who is on the other side of the world.  But I can't help to wonder is all this technological connectivity taking us out of the present moment so often that we are missing out on the life right in front of us?

So how do we truly shut off and reconnect with the present moment?

1.  Spend time in nature.  Take a walk, go for a hike, go camping, walk barefoot in the grass, stick your feet in a lake.

2.  Create a 'no device time' each day.  Turn off the computers, put your phones on silent, turn off the TV.  Experience life without being tethered to one of your devices and without looking at a screen.

3.  Take a bath or a long shower.  This is a great time to really connect with yourself.  You can finally use those bath salts or body scrub that has been sitting in your bathroom closet.

4.  Go on a date with your partner or spouse.  Make a rule that you will leave your phones in the car.  If you have kids, leave the phone number at the restaurant or venue you plan to be at so you can be in reached in case of emergency.

5.  Take deep belly breaths.  Your breath is the simplest way to unite your wandering mind and your body to connect to the present moment.

6.  Hugs hugs hugs! A good friend once told me that everyday when she comes home from her busy day at work she embraces her husband for 15 seconds to reconnect to the love and support that is in her life.  This practice is a beautiful way to reconnect to what is truly important.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Flower Power

Hibiscus is an edible tropical flower that reminds me fondly of my time spent on the magical islands of Hawaii.  Not only because it is the state’s flower but also because the Hawaiian Islands are home to some of the most beautiful and sacred healing places in the world.

The medicinal properties in this elegant flower are contained its leaves, flowers, seeds and stems.  It has been traditionally used for centuries in folk medicine to improve heart health, lower blood pressure, improve circulation and tone the digestive tract.  Studies have shown this magical plant may help with diabetes, lowers cholesterol and can aid in the treatment of hypertension.  Hibiscus is contraindicated for pregnancy and should not be consumed if you think you may be pregnant.   It also contains an abundance of antioxidants which makes it an optimal choice for natural skin and beauty care. This medicinal flower encourages hair growth and softens hair follicles which makes it a great ingredient for a natural hair conditioner or infused into a hair oil.  

According to Gaia Herbs, people around the globe have been using hibiscus medicine to treat many ailments.
  • “In Egypt and Sudan, hibiscus is used to help maintain a normal body temperature, support heart health, and encourage fluid balance.
  • North Africans have used hibiscus internally for supporting upper respiratory health including the throat and also use it topically to support skin health.
  • In Europe, hibiscus has been employed to support upper respiratory health, alleviate occasional constipation,  and promote proper circulation.  It is commonly used in combination with lemon balm and St. John’s Wort for restlessness and occasional difficulty falling asleep.
  • Hibiscus is traditionally used for supporting normal blood pressure maintenance in Iran - a use that has been validated in several recent studies.” *
*Gaia Herbs

Hibiscus Recipes


  • 4 hibiscus tea tags
  • ½ cup fresh mint leaves
  • 4 cups boiling water
  • 2 cups apple juice
  • Ice cubes for serving

In a large heatproof pitcher, combine tea bags, mint leaves and boiling water; steep 10 minutes.  Discard tea bags and mint.  Add apple juice; refrigerate until cold.  Serve over ice and enjoy!


  • Brew 5 tea bags or 1 cup dried hibiscus flowers in 2 cups of water
  • Steep for 15 - 20 minutes
  • Strain and cool tea
  • Put in a spray container or mason jar
  • After shampooing and conditioning your hair, spray or pour tea liberally on your hair
  • Comb thoroughly
  • Leave on for at least 1 hour
  • Rinse out and style as usual
  • Store rest of mixture in an airtight container

To get the best results, repeat this process daily until you reach your desired red tint.


  • ¾ cup dried hibiscus leaves
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 inch section fresh ginger, crushed
  • 2 whole star anise
  • peel from 1 lemon, removed in strips using a sharp peeler
  • pinch of salt

  1. Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan set over high heat. Bring to a boil, then drop heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove saucepan from heat, cover, and let steep for 5 minutes.  Place a fine-meshed sieve over a large measuring cup or bowl with a pour spout and pour syrup through.  Let drain completely and discard flowers and spices.
  3. Pour the syrup into a clean, dry 32-ounce ball jar with lid, cover, and let cool.  Store syrup in refrigerator for up to a year.
 Recipe courtesy of

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wisdom in Words

A brilliant quote from the late, great Maya Angelou.  What is your favorite quote?

Friday, May 30, 2014

DIY Recipes for a Clean Home

I get a lot of inquiries about what I use to clean my home, so here are some simple recipes that I use regularly.  These recipes have been effective at getting the job done while keeping my home toxic free and safe for my family and pets.  

Since I am wary of bringing toxic chemicals into my home,  I am constantly experimenting with concocting natural alternatives to clean my house. After much tweaking, I came up with a great recipe to clean my floors, counters, shower and toilets.  
White Vinegar:  2 Tablespoons
Castile Soap:  1 teaspoon
Water:   2 cups
Lemon Essential Oil:  10 drops
Clove Essential Oil:  5 drops
Peppermint Essential Oil:  5 drops

Gently stir ingredients in a bucket and use with a cloth rag or your household mop.  If you need more scrubbing power, sprinkle some baking soda on the surface that needs it!

This is a great alternative to the blue liquid often used to clean windows and mirrors in your home and doesn’t leave behind streaks.  
White Vinegar: 2 Tablespoons
Water: 2 cups
Lemon Essential Oil: 5 drops (optional)

Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and shake before using

My carpet gets its fair share of abuse from my toddler boy and two very hairy and playful dogs.  Our backyard dirt seems to latch onto our shoes and always finds its way inside our home.  I formulated an effective and easy DIY recipe to deodorize your carpet and also make the house smell like a fresh blooming garden in the springtime.  
Baking Soda:  1 cup
Dried Lavender flowers:  2 Tablespoons  
Dried Calendula flowers:  2 Tablespoons
Dried Rose petals:  1 Tablespoon

I use my Magic Bullet to to grind up all the dried flowers into a powder.  Then I add baking soda and gently mix up.  Sprinkle on the carpet and leave on for 5-10 minutes before vacuuming.

What are your favorite DIY home recipes?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Unique Gift Ideas For Mom

Moms are always so good at putting everyone else’s needs before their own.  Mother’s Day is a perfect opportunity to let them know how much they are appreciated and loved. Here is a list of some creative gift ideas to give to mom this year:
1.  A flower arrangement with flowers that are her favorite color. Picking different types of flowers in the same color shows mom how much you truly care!
2.  A personal coupon to her favorite coffee shop or restaurant that includes her favorite companion - you!
3.  Make your own scented bath salts so she can relax when she needs to the most.  To put this thoughtful gift together you will need a jar with a lid, epsom salt and essential oil (lavender for relaxation, citrus for uplifting and peppermint for energizing).  Mix the salt and oil together and scoop into the jar.  You can put a personalized note on the lid!
4.  A gift certificate for a unique spa treatment.  Pick the non traditional route and get your mom a thai foot massage, reiki treatment, raindrop therapy or reflexology session.
5.  Take her to her favorite play or to see that movie she has been meaning to see.
6.  A coupon for house cleaning! Nothing says, “I love you, Mom” like taking her daily duties off of her plate for a little while.  
7.  Spend time with her!  Your mom loves you and the thing she wants most in this world is just to be with you.  If you don’t live in the same city as her, make some time to video chat.  

Yay for Moms!