Sunday, October 5, 2014

5 Steps to Healthier Armpits

What is all this hoopla about antiperspirants being bad for your health?  Why the push to eliminate them?  The number 1 reason is aluminum.  Aluminum is the active ingredient in antiperspirants and is used to block sweat glands to keep sweat from getting to the skin’s surface.  Aluminum is not only a problem because it clogs pores and inhibits a natural body response but it may also be linked to breast cancer and neurological diseases.  According to a reputable medical journal,   “Al (aluminum) is a recognized neurotoxin, and that it could cause cognitive deficiency and dementia….and may have various effects on CNS (central nervous system)”1  Any product containing aluminum is a dangerous choice for your health. .

Parabens are another reason to ditch the antiperspirants.  According to the Canadian Cancer Society, “research published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology found an ingredient called parabens in 20 human breast tumours.  Parabens are preservatives used in many cosmetic products (including antiperspirant).  The research stated that parabens have been known to act like estrogen, which can speed up the growth of breast cancer tumours.”2
But what about all that sweat?  Sweat is awesome!  Say it with me, “Sweat is awesome!”  It is a natural process of the body and serves a purpose.  Sweating is the body’s way of cooling down, regulating temperature and releasing toxins. It does not have an odor - it is not the culprit of smelly armpits.  The foul body odor you may smell when you sweat is caused by a buildup of bacteria. Did you hear that? It is BACTERIA that causes body odor and NOT the act of sweating.  So shouldn’t we be focusing on eliminating bacteria to treat body odor?

The answer is yes.  But how can we do this?  How can we treat bacteria that causes body odor?  There are several things we can do:

  1. Nourish your body through proper diet.  Eat whole foods and reduce the amount of processed foods you eat.  
  2. Drink water.  Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is an efficient way to ensure your body is eliminating waste regularly.
  3. Cut back on red meat. Studies have shown that eating an abundance of red meat can lead to body odor.  
  4. Put a lemon on it.  Lemon is antibacterial.  If you never want to buy another antiperspirant again, you can use a fresh lemon to treat body odor.
  5. Use natural body products that do not contain aluminum, parabens or synthetics.  Lemon works great but you may want something less acidic for the underarms after using the razor.  Ouch!

Your body is a highly intelligent well oiled machine and every response has a purpose. Support your body.  Don’t block its natural balance.

1 Masahiro Kawahara and Midori Kato-Negishi, “Link Between Aluminum and the Pathogensis of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses”,International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease,  January 2011.

2”Antiperspirants, Parabens and Breast Cancer”, Canadian Cancer Society, ttp://

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